Thursday, October 4, 2012

Resistance or Assimilation

If I was a Native American, I would choose to assimilate. I would rather be able to thrive in a modern society, then spend my days fighting and watching my loved ones die. If I assimilated correctly I would be able to obtain a great amount of wealth through selling my land and growing cotten. I also would be capable of pocessing my own slaves and workers. A good social reason would be pariarchy. Pararchy would benefit the males in society and create more order, though it would be morally wrong. Assimilation would also be politacly beneficial to my trib. we would be able to pocess more land, and have more input on white american politics. Resistance would be fruitless. If I chose to resist I would have no time to hunt , grow crops and would have no control over what happend to my life. The only major fear with assimiliation is that I would never truly fit into to a white society, which is minor. In conclusion, my trib and I would assimilate.