Sunday, November 25, 2012

Takaki "No More Peck 'o Corn" Blog

 3. Why wasn’t Frederick Douglas aloud to read?
"Hugh Auld scolded her severly fobidding her to give the young slave and further lessons ' if you give a nigger and inch he will take an ell... learning will spoil the best nigger'"(Takaki 9).

Fredrick Douglas was not allowed to read because his master was fearful that it would spoil him and give him too much confidence. Hugh Auld thought that if Fredrick was allowed to learn and grow he would no longer rely on his white master and be capable of living free and alone.

5. What is the difference between how southern and northern blacks were treated?
"Very few Blcaks lived in the North. They were "free" for the northern states had abolished slavery after the American Revolution" ( Takaki 1).

African Americans in the North were treated slightly better than those in the South. Technically they were free, but it was difficult for them to become employed and live without a white man.

1. What was Frederick Douglass’ theory for how to break a slave?
"To make a contented slave' Douglas later excplained 'you must make a thoughtless one'"(Takaki 10).

Fredrick Douglas believed that once a slave was unable to formulate their own thoughts about freedom, then they were 'broken".

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